Our organization

Governance and Leadership

The principle of authority is clearly established within the community. This authority is conceived, and it cannot be otherwise, as a service in the context of love, which must be matched with appropriate subordination. The authority of those directing the community stems in part from the community covenant: those who accept the covenant agree to recognize that authority as a service to the body, and recognizing it, are giving authority to their leaders. It also springs from the grace poured out by God, when he made the community sprout and endowed it with the spiritual resources necessary for its operation and growth. This foundational charisma remains active as long as God continues to bless the community. Authority also stems from the gifts the Spirit gives the body for its growth, gifts that are manifested in various ways in those in charge of leadership. In any case, living under a common government is one of the key elements that make us one people and one body, because it allows for unity in the community and progress toward the purpose God has for her.

The community is governed by a Coordinating Council of Coordinators, chaired by the Principal Coordinator. Authority is exercised collectively and in consensus, with the Principal Coordinator being the first among equals, within the Council of Coordinators. This Council of Coordinators is composed of men of human and spiritual maturity, selected and appointed after a process of serious and responsible training and formation.

Another very important pastoral unit is the so-called Women’s Council, constituted mainly by the Senior Pastoral Heads that function under the authority of one of the coordinators and watch over all matters relating to the care of female sisters in community life. Their selection, training, and appointment are also very seriously addressed.

There are other more basic units, but not less important, the so-called Pastoral Groups, which under the authority of the named Pastoral Head, care and protect small groups of brothers and sisters who are the internal drivers of community life. In each group, the brother or sister, experiences all the richness of community life. We say amongst ourselves, that the groups are to community life as the blood is to the veins.

Our entire pastoral system is essentially a system of love that cares for and matures our community vocation. The whole pastoral system is so important that it is constantly under formation and review because we know in it lies the ability to live radically and fully our covenant and our community vocation.

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