Learn More About Us
To do God’s Will
From personal conversion to God through Christ and the Holy Spirit, from the experience of personal salvation, that is palpable and can be experienced, God becomes the center of our life, our preferred option, our priority reference. Like his Son, Christ the Lord, we are here to do his will.
Become a new society
We are in the world without being of the world. Our standards and our values are referenced to the Word of God and the magisterium of the Church. This sets a new culture, a new lifestyle. We know we are in pagan territory, and sometimes hostile, but we do not give up our Christian culture, but on the contrary, we understand that our mission leads us to be light, salt and leaven in the midst of that pagan reality, assuming the same cost as the Lord, to suffer for the extension of the Kingdom. We are like strong American forts who were essential in the conquest of the American West, as the castles of medieval Spain. And all these facts together make up the world bulwark that is the Sword of the Spirit.
Work for the extension of the Kingdom of God on Earth
The implementation of a new society is helping spread the Kingdom of God. A key element to this is evangelization, that is, the direct proclamation of the salvation that God offers to men through Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died and rose, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the invitation to human beings to accept the grace of that salvation through personal conversion to Christ and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
We understand this evangelization is much needed today, as the Christian heritage of our society has been blurred by a sociological Christianity, customs and social conventions, rather than a genuine conversion to Christ and the life of the Kingdom.
Addressing the universal wave of evil in the world
The experience of Christian culture in all its spheres and social fields, our deepest desire to fulfill the will of God, our allegiance to the Word of God, without gloss or makeup, our obedience to the teachings of the Church and in short, our desire for a radical communion with and in Christ confronts us with the secularizer and secularizing process of our society, which seeks the silence about God, as its most effective implementation in the face of the earth. We will continue to be the voice crying in the wilderness announcing the presence of the Kingdom of God among us, Kingdom of truth, justice and peace.