Frequently asked questions2025-03-07T15:58:49+00:00

Frequently asked questions

How do children fit in the community?2025-03-05T17:47:04+00:00

The Christian community is a wonderful environment for children. Children experience a network of relationships with peers, adults and children and many adults. They thrive in a society of love and support that helps them develop as individuals and as Christians.

Children enjoy a special program during community meetings, and participate in their own meetings throughout the course, where there is training designed for their level and activities such as nature outings, cultural etc, but what they really expect is summer camp. The Community has a home in a small town in the midst of nature and spend a week together, where they have to stop and experience a special closeness with Jesus and each other.

Teens also have their meetings, which alternate and training groups to share with informal activities. Several times a year meet with youth from other communities or other realities of the Church, for meetings and retreats. They also participate in mission trips organized by the Cutting Edge, Language Courses, vacation etc families from other communities. These trips (often made with young people) allow teens to serve the Lord in Communities in Latin America, North America and locally. The program aims to give young people many opportunities to experience Christ, to help them live a radical Christian life and to foster lasting friendships Christian.

Children and adolescents in The New Jerusalem is considered fully part of the community life until, as young adults decide to join the community and follow the Lord’s guidance elsewhere.

Do young people are part of The New Jerusalem community?2025-03-05T17:47:51+00:00

Of course, young people are an important part of our people. Present and future because they are already actively involved in the life of the community with important responsibilities and no doubt they will come out top leaders of our people and the Church.

In the community there are university students, others are already working. They have their own sharing groups, training activities especially designed for them, informal activities where they enjoy the fellowship and friendship, international meetings with other youth in the communities of Cutting Edge or other realities of the Church. Also have a close relationship with community members, from children (where some young people serve as responsible for them) to the village elders.

Young people also carry out a program for youth evangelism, which are made known to others who follow Christ is the best way to live, you can be young, Christian and being Christian is not synonymous with boring or old fashioned, but worth the risk.

How are leaders chosen in the Community The New Jerusalem?2025-03-05T17:49:31+00:00

A body of leaders called “coordinators” regulated community “The New Jerusalem.” There is a main coordinating body chaired by the coordinator job.

The new coordinators are nominated by the body of the coordinators, after consulting all the brothers of the Community and after a training time and temporary service in the paper are confirmed by a vote of two thirds of the members. The main coordinator is elected by the members to serve a term of four years.

In addition to the coordinators, there are many others involved with responsibility for community life, as what we call the Women’s Council working with the coordinators, group leaders, sharing, responsible for service groups, different ministries (music, youth, mission …)

How does your income the Community The New Jerusalem?2025-03-05T18:46:42+00:00

The New Jerusalem receives financial support through the generosity of its members. The members have their regular jobs. Provided with their salaries, financial support to the Community, its parishes and missions of charity they believe is appropriate to the extent of its possibilities. This way you can meet the needs of siblings who have difficulty and cover the activities of community life.

The amount of money given to the community each member is at least 5% of their income and encourages its members to share the rest of his tithing parish.

How people joins the Community The New Jerusalem?2025-03-05T18:47:34+00:00

Those interested in participating in the New Jerusalem community, start participating in some activities of the Community, these activities are varied, some designed for young people, families, prayer meetings, Masses allowing the person to the members Community, lifestyle meet and fall in love with the Lord’s work, at times some of these people, after a time to participate in these activities, are interested in having a deeper, more personal encounter with the Lord and invited to participate in a meeting designed to reunite with a personal God who loves you.

After this time of knowledge are invited to make an initial commitment, which usually lasts a year or two, people begin to participate more actively and engaged in the life of the community and trained in the Christian life.

After this stage, the commitment is made “on track”, which lasts several years. This together with the previous stage provides time for personal growth in Christian life and discerning the call to join the Community “The New Jerusalem “. those who complete this training time and discernment, are asked to make a lifelong commitment to live as a member of the Community. this commitment means that members agree to remain part of the community unless clearly the Lord leads us to another place. people who do not want to make this commitment can become members of youth programs or marriages that has the community and is a more limited form of participation that members of the community.

Who can join the New Jerusalem Community?2025-03-05T18:48:10+00:00

Integration into the New Jerusalem community is open to all who want or have already committed their lives to Jesus have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to live the lifestyle of the Gospel. For this stage we have a knowledge of the community to help the person to take these steps.

Also indicate that we have many formal and informal open to those interested in community life, prayer gatherings, family outings, Masses, celebrations…

Why do people join the Community “New Jerusalem”?2025-03-05T18:48:59+00:00

People join the community for many different reasons. Some have a strong desire to live a committed Christian life. Others are attracted by the charismatic spiritual life. Some are looking for authentic fraternal relations in the community. Others want to grow as Christians and see the New Jerusalem as a good place to love and serve the Lord. The decision to join the Christian community is a personal response to God’s work in the life of an individual.

Members receive teaching that is biblical and practical – that will help them with their day to day. They receive tangible support to grow in Christian life and in personal maturity and Christian. They become part of a network of love of brothers. We hope that the gifts that God gives to each, can be used to help build the kingdom of God and reach others for Christ.

Do we live together members of the New Jerusalem Community?2025-03-05T18:50:11+00:00

Although some Christian communities choose to live and work together, this is not part of our lifestyle, our calling. What is essential for family and community is the bond of love in Christ and a common way of life that expresses our love for God and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Sometimes families invite singles to live with them and share family life.

The New Jerusalem is a “covenant community.” What does that mean?2025-03-05T18:50:57+00:00

By joining the community, members signed a written document called a commitment that expresses what we want to live and what we expect of each member to be united with each other and our relationship with the Lord.

Members make a pledge to fulfill this commitment is best. This commitment is the same in most communities that belong to the Sword of The Spirit.

Are there other communities, such as The New Jerusalem?2025-03-05T18:51:43+00:00

Yes, there are thousands of Christian communities around the world. Some are very similar to the New Jerusalem and some are very different. The New Jerusalem belongs to a “community of communities”, known as the Sword of the Spirit. There are over 70 communities in the Sword of the Spirit throughout the world.

These communities of the Sword of the Spirit have a similar approach in community life, the lessons taught, have a number of regional activities, and work together in creating divulgacióny activities of Christian communities. Visit the following link to learn more about the Sword of the Spirit

Is it necessary that all Christians live in community?2025-03-05T18:52:41+00:00

The New Testament describes the Christian life in a community clearly. Christians are called to relate to each other as “brothers and sisters.” We join as “members of one body.” We are “members of the family of God.” In this sense, all Christians are called to live in community.

However, relatively few Christians actually live this style of community. The New Jerusalem by its existence, waiting to witness the communal dimension of Christian faith, a dimension that is weak or nonexistent in the lives of many believers. We hope that our life together will encourage other individuals and groups of Christians to consider the request of the New Testament life together and take concrete steps to grow in this regard.

The New Jerusalem is a church or parish? Do people must leave their church or parish to join the New Jerusalem Community?2025-03-05T18:53:33+00:00

The New Jerusalem is not a church, nor is it a parish, we are a community of people who belong to several different parishes and may even belong to people of other Christian churches. The members of “The New Jerusalem” remain actively in their parish, to the extent of its possibilities and community life is a very important support for living the faith within the Church.

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