Our spirituality

When we speak of spirituality, we are responding to what Vatican Council II expressed in the decree on the apostolate of the laity: “Moreover, lay people who, following their vocation, have enrolled in one of the associations or institutes approved by the Church, strive faithfully to assimilate the unique characteristics of the spirituality of such associations or institutes.”

These would then be our characteristic features

Centered in God and a personal relationship with Him

It is the ripened fruit of conversion. Christ becomes Lord of our lives. Adherence to Him is total. It is communion with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. Consequently, it is also:


We have experienced in our lives the transforming action of the Holy Spirit., the outpouring of His love and His gifts, and therefore, both personally and as a community, we are open to the manifestation of His charisma and its specific guidance. This is very much reflected in our worship, characterized by joyful praise, respectful sense of worship, the certainty of His presence, the desire to listen to His Word and the abundant expression of His gifts.

It is therefore also:


Based on the practicality of accepting the Christian reality of others. Without any proselytizing. Convergent, that is, convinced that it is much more that unites us than divides us, mainly our love and passion for Christ. Each staying faithful to the Church to which he belongs, in our case the Catholic, but also recognizing the goodness and wholesomeness present in other religious faiths. The reality of the Sword of the Spirit, a community of universal communities, rising above races, languages and cultures, is a reality of this search for full unity


Although in our communities there are priests, and that even with canon law in their hands religious men and women can be part of this people, and although we have brothers and sisters inserted into brotherhoods, especially consecrated ones, with this characteristic we seek to enhance the fact that we recognize, value and assume that in our community most of our members are lay men in the strict and literal sense of the word. Our members must live a life compatible with their lay vocation and the experience of radical discipleship should be done in this context. That means counting with the realities of married life, family and singles life as well as professional and academic occupations of ordinary mortals. That is why we reside in the various areas of society, and we are immersed in society in countless ways.


Is inherent to our nature. Our conversion, our radical union to Christ, our convictions, prevents us from being quiet and our presence in any environment is a permanent presence heralding the Good News


Inserted in the people of God, a part of it, we understand we contribute to the ongoing renewal of the Church as a specific action of the Holy Spirit. We are, like other beautiful realities of the Church, a model, however imperfect, to inspire and enlighten others in the renovation and construction of the people of God.

Biblical and Orthodox

If our spirituality is God-centered, it should be based on fidelity to the Word of God. Sacred Scripture occupies a central place in our lives because we understand it as the personal revelation, current and effective of the living God to his people. We do this with orthodox perspective, that is, rooted in the Bible and Tradition, sources of Revelation, that are rooted in the universal consensus of Christianity, on the fundamental aspects revealed by God Himself to His people.


It is a logical consequence of the above: if we are focused on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how can we not feel the need of the Mother of God? Neither false exaggeration nor excessive pettiness. She has a place in community life, very unique at certain times, being part of our being a people, and we understand this will remain so in direct relation to the lives of the people.

Bible and Flowers