What is the Sword of the Spirit?
The international association is composed of local communities, catholic confraternities in ecumenical communities, associate communities, community groups such as brotherhoods of men and women, teams and mission organizations and evangelization programs and movements that share a life together as brothers and sisters in the Lord and seek to serve the Lord. The community association members are committed to each other in a brotherly covenant relationship and are a community of communities. They are committed to supporting each other and sustain their members in our common vision and way of life and our common mission. All of them strive to achieve our joint purpose.
The member communities of the International Association share a common vision for Christian community life in the modern world. They also share the following purposes :
- Helping to lead individuals and families to conversion and Christian maturity
- Promoting the love of God and his worship and a life lived for His glory
- Promoting Christian relationships as a means of support for a consistent Christian life
- Developing a lifestyle where you can truly live the gospel
- Developing a committed Catholic life of liturgical worship, prayer and testimony in the ordinary situations of everyday life, such as the family and occupation (LG 40)
- Do direct evangelistic work, particularly in nonchristian environments (AA 6, 13)
- Assist in the proclamation and defense of the gospel
- Promote Christian unity through collaboration between Christians of different traditions, as allowed by local circumstances.
The member communities keep their members in a common way of life. As our way of life is a Christian way of life, communities support their members to live as Christians. The assistance we give helps especially to carry out:
The basic conversion and acceptance of the Gospel and the Creed
Love for God and neighbor, that includes the Christian life expressed in daily living, Christian character, the Christian community, the charismatic dimension.
They also keep their members in our way of life as a community of communities. Its distinctive features include:
- A practical approach to everyday Christian life
- A particular set of links that provide Christian support for everyday life and Christian service
- A projection or common mission as defined by the joint purposes of the communities.
Communities not only have a mutual commitment to fraternal support, but the members of each community are committed to the members of all other communities to be brothers and sisters who live a common lifestyle. That commitment is expressed when individuals take on the covenant of the local community. In doing so, members of each community are committed to their brothers and sisters in the wider community of communities. Because of the common commitment and common way of life, community members put their lives at the disposal of members of other communities, and seek to serve them whenever they can.
The international association is governed by a board composed of representatives from member communities. The member communities agree to abide by the decisions taken by the council when it is applicable, and support joint efforts determined by the council. Member communities govern themselves, while cooperating with governmental protections commonly agreed upon.
WhatQue es la Espada del Espiritu? is the Sword of the Spirit?
La asociación internacional está compuesta por comunidades locales, confraternidades católicas en comunidades ecuménicas, comunidades asociadas, agrupaciones comunitarias como hermandades de varones y de mujeres, equipos y organizaciones misioneras, y programas y movimientos de evangelización que comparten una vida conjunta como hermanos y hermanas en el Señor y procuran servir al Señor. The international association is composed of local communities, catholic confraternities in ecumenical communities, associate communities, community groups such as brotherhoods of men and women, teams and mission organizations and evangelization programs and movements that share a life together as brothers and sisters in the Lord and seek to serve the Lord. Las comunidades miembros de la asociación están comprometidas unas con otras en una relación fraternal de alianza, y constituyen una comunidad de comunidades. The community association members are committed to each other in a brotherly covenant relationship and are a community of communities. Están comprometidas a apoyarse unas a otras ya sustentar a sus miembros en nuestra visión común y en nuestro modo de vida y misión en común. They are committed to supporting each other and sustain their members in our common vision and way of life and our common mission. Todas juntas se esfuerzan por hacer realidad nuestros propósitos conjuntos. All of them strive to achieve our joint purpose.
Las comunidades miembros de la asociación internacional comparten una visión común para la vida comunitaria cristiana en el mundo moderno. The member communities of the International Association share a common vision for Christian community life in the modern world. Además, comparten los siguientes propósitos conjuntos: They also share the following purposes :
Ayudar a conducir a individuos y familias a la conversión ya la madurez cristiana Helping to lead individuals and families to conversion and Christian maturity
Fomentar el amor a Dios y el culto a él, y una vida vivida para su gloria Promoting the love of God and his worship and a life lived for His glory
Fomentar las relaciones personales cristianas como apoyo para una vida cristiana constante Promoting Christian relationships as a means of support for a consistent Christian life
Desarrollar un modo de vida en el cual se pueda vivir verdaderamente el evangelio Developing a lifestyle where you can truly live the gospel
Fomentar una vida católica comprometida de culto litúrgico, oración y testimonio en las situaciones ordinarias de la vida cotidiana, como son la familia y la ocupación (LG 40) Developing a committed Catholic life of liturgical worship, prayer and testimony in the ordinary situations of everyday life, such as the family and occupation (LG 40)
DoRealizar una labor de evangelización directa, particularmente en ambientes descristianizados (AA 6, 13) direct evangelistic work, particularly in nonchristian environments (AA 6, 13)
Ayudar en la proclamación y defensa del evangelio Assist in the proclamation and defense of the gospel
Fomentar la unidad de los cristianos mediante la colaboración entre cristianos de diversas tradiciones, según lo permitan las circunstancias locales. Promote Christian unity through collaboration between Christians of different traditions, as allowed by local circumstances.
Las comunidades miembros mantienen a sus miembros en un modo de vida común. The member communities keep their members in a common way of life. Como nuestro modo de vida es un modo de vida cristiano, las comunidades apoyan a sus miembros para que vivan como cristianos. As our way of life is a Christian way of life, communities support their members to live as Christians. La ayuda que dan procura especialmente llevar adelante: The assistance we give helps especially to carry out:
La conversión básica y la aceptación del evangelio y del Credo The basic conversion and acceptance of the Gospel and the Creed
El amor a Dios y al prójimo, esto incluye la vida cristiana expresada en el vivir diario, el carácter cristiano, la comunidad cristiana, la dimensión carismática. Love for God and neighbor, that includes the Christian life expressed in daily living, Christian character, the Christian community, the charismatic dimension.
También mantienen a sus miembros en nuestro modo de vida en cuanto comunidad de comunidades. They also keep their members in our way of life as a community of communities. Sus rasgos distintivos incluyen: Its distinctive features include:
Un enfoque práctico y cotidiano de la vida cristiana A practical approach to everyday Christian life
Un conjunto particular de vínculos cristianos que proveen un apoyo cotidiano para la vida y el servicio cristianos A particular set of links that provide Christian support for everyday life and Christian service
Una proyección o misión común definida por los propósitos conjuntos de las comunidades. A projection or common mission as defined by the joint purposes of the communities.
Las comunidades no solo tienen un compromiso mutuo de apoyo fraterno, sino que los miembros de cada comunidad están comprometidos con los miembros de todas las demás comunidades a ser hermanos y hermanas que viven un modo de vida común. Communities not only have a mutual commitment to fraternal support, but the members of each community are committed to the members of all other communities to be brothers and sisters who live a common lifestyle. Ese compromiso se expresa cuando los individuos asumen la alianza de la comunidad local. That commitment is expressed when individuals take on the covenant of the local community. Al hacerlo así, los miembros de cada comunidad se comprometen con sus hermanos y hermanas en la comunidad de comunidades más amplia. In doing so, members of each community are committed to their brothers and sisters in the wider community of communities. A causa del compromiso en común y del modo de vida en común, las comunidades miembros ponen su vida a disposición de los miembros de las demás comunidades, y procuran servirles siempre que puedan. Because of the common commitment and common way of life, community members put their lives at the disposal of members of other communities, and seek to serve them whenever they can.
La asociación internacional está gobernada por un consejo compuesto por representantes de las comunidades miembros. The international association is governed by a board composed of representatives from member communities. Las comunidades miembros concuerdan en seguir las decisiones tomadas por el consejo cuando esto es aplicable, y apoyan los esfuerzos comunes decididos por el consejo. The member communities agree to abide by the decisions taken by the council when it is applicable, and support joint efforts determined by the council. Las comunidades miembros se gobiernan a sí mismas, a la vez que cooperan con las protecciones gubernativas acordadas en común. Member communities govern themselves, while cooperating with governmental protections commonly agreed upon.